Companies of all sizes have great ideas about how to improve and grow. These ideas can involve small pieces of work, or major transformational change that affects all areas of the business. Either way, the work is far less disruptive if properly managed and this is where some great ideas grind to a halt - we all know that we need to oversee change properly, but many businesses don’t have that spare capacity.
This is where we step in.
We have a wealth of experience that we can share with you to smooth the path from where you are now to successful delivery of the change. Our services span a wide range of activities, including:
Strategy and policy development to get the ideas outlined and approved
Planning change to provide a clear route from here to completion
Operational programmes and projects - the delivery of the work, embedding the change in the business to realise the benefits you need
Specification of requirements for procurement processes
Governance and assurance - to ensure your executive team have seamless oversight of progress and cost control
Whether you need your programme or projects scoped, planned, or delivered, we can help.
We also offer health checks to make sure your work is on track, and can provide coaching, research, analysis, and evaluation to inform the work you are completing.
Further questions? Click below, or contact us
We enjoy nothing more than starting at the beginning of a shiny new project or programme, developing the initial blueprint and turning it into a plan of work that will deliver your goals.
But we also love the delivery phase. Where the project work is already underway, we can roll up our sleeves and lend a hand.
Alternatively, where needed, we can evaluate and re-orient your existing workstreams, projects, and governance functions to manage risk, improve oversight, control budgets, or improve outcomes.
And, sometimes, we do a mix of all those things. Our input can be based at our own offices, on site with you, or both. Tell us what you need, and we will work with it.
We understand and work with many different project, programme, and change methodologies. A single approach will never fit every situation, and we regard methodologies as a pool from which to choose the right tools for any specific job. We will discuss this with you at the outset to achieve the best fit with your existing governance and regulatory structures. If you happen to have people who are already trained in project work, we are happy to support any methodology being used – there is no single ‘right’ way to do things.
We work to best practice guidelines and have guided successful reviews and major audits.
If you're not confident in the company's ability to manage change, it may be a very worthwhile outlay. It does not need to be complicated or costly, or slow you down.
We can adapt to meet your needs, fitting the methods - and our level of input - to the size and structure of your organisation and the extent of the project or programme. The first step (for which we make no charge) is to meet to discuss your ideas and assess whether and how we can help.